terraspace runs list


terraspace runs list STACK


List runs.


Statuses of pending and planned are shown by default.

$ terraspace tfc runs list demo
|          Id          | Status  |             Message             |     Created At      |
| run-AuTXsYU1svQEzQVg | pending | Queued manually using Terraform | 2020-09-18T11:30:41 |
| run-LuwMibh3ebiG7KQZ | planned | test                            | 2020-09-17T23:16:36 |

To see all most recent runs, use --status all.

$ terraspace tfc runs list demo --status all
|          Id          |  Status   |            Message             |     Created At      |
| run-LuwMibh3ebiG7KQZ | planned   | test 3                         | 2020-09-17T23:16:36 |
| run-z9f67TNMRamZiGMR | canceled  | test 2                         | 2020-09-17T23:15:55 |
| run-cN3CKT5po29p35Ta | discarded | test                           | 2020-09-17T22:24:31 |
| run-rXMd7dm3fHvVsA36 | discarded | Queued from Terraform Cloud UI | 2020-09-17T20:00:20 |

You can provide a list of statuses to the --status filter option.

$ terraspace tfc runs list demo --status canceled discarded
|          Id          |  Status   |            Message             |     Created At      |
| run-gS2m1avc3U4j1fip | canceled  | test                           | 2020-09-17T23:15:43 |
| run-ojwQ4r7MxuzyK3d9 | discarded | test                           | 2020-09-17T22:33:00 |
| run-dczeLQsMc3ya4XnY | canceled  | test                           | 2020-09-17T22:32:55 |


[--format=FORMAT]         # Output formats: csv, equal, json, markdown, space, tab, table
[--status=one two three]  # Filter by statuses: pending, planned, all
                          # Default: "pending" "planned"

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