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Prerequisites Summary

You’ll need to set up the following:

  1. A Terraspace project repo on Azure Repos
  2. The ci plugin gem
  3. Configure Terraspace Cloud

A Terraspace project repo on Azure

If you need a Terraspace project, you can go through one of the Getting Started Guides. For this guide, we’ll use a simple stack that creates a random_pet resource.

Create a Azure repo and push the project to it. Here are some example commands

git init
git add .
git commit -m 'first commit'
git remote add origin # replace ORG, PROJECT and REPO with your own info
git push -u origin main

The ci plugin gem

Double-check and make sure terraspace_ci_azure is in your Terraspace project’s Gemfile. It looks something like this.


source ""

gem "terraspace"
gem "rspec-terraspace"
gem "terraspace_plugin_azurerm"
gem "terraspace_ci_azure" # Gets VCS info from CI environment

Also, make sure that you’re using Terraspace 2.1 or above. You can check with bundle info terraspace and should see something like:

$ bundle info terraspace
* terraspace (2.1.0)

If not, you can update terraspace with

bundle update terraspace

Or more generally, update all gem dependencies

bundle update

Note: There is no terraspace_vcs_azure plugin yet that supports posting PR comments on Azure Repos. However, since you can connect the Azure Pipeline to other VCS providers, you could add other vcs plugins. For example, if you’re using a Azure Pipeline connected to a GitHub repo, you would use terraspace_vcs_github. Terraspace will then grab the CI env info with terraspace_ci_azure and a comment to the GitHub PR via terraspace_vcs_github.

Configure Terraspace Cloud

Configure the and cloud.project settings.


Terraspace.configure do |config| = "boltops"  # replace with your org name = "main" # replace with your project name

  # Uncomment to enable cost estimation
  # Make sure to set the INFRACOST_API_KEY as an env var
  # Need the cost estimation plan
  # = true

You’ll also need to export TS_TOKEN to your environment. You want want to add it to your


export TS_TOKEN=token-123 # Example only. Replace with your own token

For more details, see Terraspace Cloud.

Next, we’ll generate the CI structure.

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