Installing and Using Multiple Versions of Terraspace

If you’re interested in running multiple or different versions of terraspace on the same machine, this page can help.

How to Use Multiple Versions: Short Answer

The short answer to running different versions of terraspace is always to use the terraspace version that’s in Gemfile.lock. You do this with bundle exec. Examples:

$ grep '"terraspace"' Gemfile
gem "terraspace", '~> 0.5.12'
$ bundle # to ensure version is installed and Gemfile.lock is up-to-date
$ grep '^  terraspace ' Gemfile.lock
  terraspace (~> 0.5.12)
$ bundle exec terraspace -v

Change terraspace version in Gemfile:

$ grep '"terraspace"' Gemfile
gem "terraspace", '~> 0.6.2'
$ bundle
$ grep '^  terraspace ' Gemfile.lock
  terraspace (~> 0.6.2)
$ bundle exec terraspace -v

To avoid having to remember to type bundle exec, you can use a shim.

Version Checking within Project Code

When running multiple versions of terraspace,bundle exec will make sure the right terraspace version is loaded. However, bundle exec does nothing to ensure that your project code is written to the same version of terraspace. That’s up to you.

Since you have access to a full programming language, you can tap into it to do conditional logic and perform versioning checking at the project-level. This is where terraspace offers more power and control.

For example, the config.hooks.on_boot hook was changed in 0.6.2.

To account for versions < 0.6.2:


Terraspace.configure do
  major, minor, patch = Terraspace::VERSION.split('.').map(&:to_i)
  config.hooks.on_boot do
    ENV['AWS_PROFILE'] = 'dev-profile'
  end if major <= 0 and minor <= 6 && patch < 2

To account for versions >= 0.6.2:


major, minor, patch = Terraspace::VERSION.split('.').map(&:to_i)
return unless major >= 0 and minor >= 6 && patch >= 2
ENV['AWS_PROFILE'] = 'dev-profile'

The code starts to get messy, but it’s an option. Instead, the general recommendation is to use git to create a different branch, test the upgrade, and switch over to it as soon as it’s feasible for your team. This keeps the code cleaner.

Shim Wrapper

If have multiple versions of terraspace on the same system, you should always use the bundle exec command when you’re inside the Terraspace project. This ensures that the terraspace version in the project’s Gemfile.lock is used. Typing bundle exec can get old quick, so you can use a shim wrapper to save yourself previous finger-typing energy.

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