Custom Layering

If Terraspace built-in layering does not work for your needs, you can customize the way Layering is done.

Custom layering is an advanced use-case. It is generally recommended to stick to the Terraspace conventions, which is already quite powerful and others won’t have to learn the customization.


To fully customize layering, you redefine the Terraspace::Layering module. Here’s a starter structure:


Terraspace::Layering.module_eval do
  # def pre_layers
  #   []
  # end
  # def main_layers
  #   super
  # end
  # def post_layers
  #   []
  # end

Note: Make sure to use module_eval or require terraspace/layering first. This ensures that the existing Terraspace Layering definition is first loaded and then you can add your own customizations. You can also use the ActiveSupport.on_load(:terraspace_layering) hook instead if you prefer not use module_eval. Example:


ActiveSupport.on_load(:terraspace_layering) do
  module Terraspace::Layering
    # ...

Interface Methods

There are 3 main interface methods designed to be overriden:

  1. pre_layers: Layers that get processed before the main layer. Defaults to an empty Array.
  2. main_layers: The main layers that get processed as described by the Terraspace docs. This includes the base and env layers as well as the layers provided by the specific cloud plugins. IE: AWS, Azure, GCP.
  3. post_layers: Layers that get processed after the main layer. Defaults to an empty Array.

You can chose the methods to override.


Let’s override the pre_layers method as an example:


Terraspace::Layering.module_eval do
  def pre_layers

The pre_layer adds a layer using the TEAM env var. For example:


team = "backend"
$ ls config/terraform/tfvars/teams/backend.tfvars
$ TEAM=backend terraspace build demo
$ ls .terraspace-cache/us-west-2/dev/stacks/demo/*.tfvars

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