terraspace new stack


terraspace new stack NAME


Generates stack.


$ terraspace new stack demo
=> Creating new stack called demo.
      create  app/stacks/demo
      create  app/stacks/demo/main.tf
      create  app/stacks/demo/outputs.tf
      create  app/stacks/demo/variables.tf


    [--examples], [--no-examples]  # Also generate examples
                                   # Default: false
-y, [--force]                      # Bypass overwrite are you sure prompt for existing files
    [--lang=LANG]                  # Language to use: HCL/ERB or Ruby DSL
                                   # Default: hcl
-p, [--plugin=PLUGIN]              # Cloud Plugin. Supports: aws, google
                                   # Default: aws
    [--test], [--no-test]          # Whether or not to generate tests
    [--plugin-gem=PLUGIN_GEM]      # Use if provider gem name doesnt follow terraspace_plugin_XXX naming convention. Must specify both --plugin and --plugin-name option

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