terraspace all plan


terraspace all plan


Run plan for all or multiple stacks.


$ terraspace all plan
   terraspace plan c1 # batch 1
   terraspace plan b1 # batch 2
   terraspace plan b2 # batch 2
   terraspace plan a1 # batch 3
Batch Run 1:
Running: terraspace plan c1 Logs: log/plan/c1.log
terraspace plan c1:  Plan: 1 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.
terraspace plan c1:  Changes to Outputs:
Batch Run 2:
Running: terraspace plan b1 Logs: log/plan/b1.log
Running: terraspace plan b2 Logs: log/plan/b2.log
terraspace plan b1:  Plan: 2 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.
terraspace plan b1:  Changes to Outputs:
terraspace plan b2:  Plan: 1 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.
terraspace plan b2:  Changes to Outputs:
Batch Run 3:
Running: terraspace plan a1 Logs: log/plan/a1.log
terraspace plan a1:  Plan: 2 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.
terraspace plan a1:  Changes to Outputs:
Time took: 11s

Using Plan Outputs

Using plan output path. You can specify an output path for the plan that contains pattern for expansion. Example:

$ terraspace all plan --out ":MOD_NAME.plan"

You can then use this later in terraspace up:

$ terraspace all up --plan ":MOD_NAME.plan"


-o, [--out=OUT]                            # Output path. Can be a pattern like :MOD_NAME.plan
-y, [--yes], [--no-yes]                    # auto approve all batch commands
    [--exit-on-fail], [--no-exit-on-fail]  # whether or not to exit when one of the batch commands fails

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