terraspace all down


terraspace all down


Destroy all or multiple stacks.


$ terraspace all down
Will run:
   terraspace down a1 # batch 1
   terraspace down b1 # batch 2
   terraspace down b2 # batch 2
   terraspace down c1 # batch 3
Are you sure? (y/N)

Once you confirm, Terraspace destroys the infrastructure.

Are you sure? (y/N) y
Batch Run 1:
Running: terraspace down a1 Logs: log/down/a1.log
terraspace down a1:  Changes to Outputs:
terraspace down a1:  Destroy complete! Resources: 2 destroyed.
Batch Run 2:
Running: terraspace down b1 Logs: log/down/b1.log
Running: terraspace down b2 Logs: log/down/b2.log
terraspace down b1:  Changes to Outputs:
terraspace down b1:  Destroy complete! Resources: 2 destroyed.
terraspace down b2:  Changes to Outputs:
terraspace down b2:  Destroy complete! Resources: 1 destroyed.
Batch Run 3:
Running: terraspace down c1 Logs: log/down/c1.log
terraspace down c1:  Changes to Outputs:
terraspace down c1:  Destroy complete! Resources: 1 destroyed.
Time took: 15s

Terraspace provides a reduced-noise summary of the runs. The full logs are also written for further inspection and debugging. The terraspace log command is useful for viewing the logs.


    [--destroy-workspace], [--no-destroy-workspace]  # Also destroy the Cloud workspace. Only applies when using Terraform Cloud remote backend.
-y, [--yes], [--no-yes]                              # auto approve all batch commands
    [--exit-on-fail], [--no-exit-on-fail]            # whether or not to exit when one of the batch commands fails

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