VCS Workflow: Setup

Terraspace can create the TFC workspace and set variables for you. Terraspace uses the for the workspace name.


  1. Workspace Name
  2. TFC Variables
  3. Run Setup Command

1. Workspace Name

terraform {
  backend "remote" {
    organization = "ORG" # replace with your terraform cloud account org
    workspaces {
      name = "<%= expansion(':MOD_NAME-:ENV-:REGION-:INSTANCE') %>"

Note: With the VCS-driven workflow is ignored by TFC, since TFC manages it for you. Terraspace only uses for the workspace name.

2. TFC Variables

You can configure Terraform Cloud Variables with either JSON or a DSL:

3. Run Setup Command

Run the setup command:

terraspace tfc setup

Terraspace automatically creates the TFC workspace and variables.

Note, you can also always create the workspace and set up the TFC variables manually if preferred.

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