Change Infrastructure

Now that we have bucket created, let’s modify it. Here’s the demo/ again.


resource "random_pet" "this" {
  length = 2

module "bucket" {
  source     = "../../modules/example"
  bucket     = "bucket-${}"
  tags       = var.tags

As you can see there’s a var.tags variable. One way to update the infrastructure is to change the variable in the file directly.


variable "tags" {
  description = "(Optional) A mapping of tags to assign to the bucket."
  type        = map(string)
  default     = {}

However, you can also use tfvars files. Terraspace will automatically use config/stacks/demo/tfvars files according the TS_ENV value. The default value is TS_ENV=dev. We’ll use tfvars files so we can use the same code for different environments.

Generate Starter Tfvars Files

Addtionally, Terraspace can generate starter tfvar files for us with the terraspace seed command.

$ terraspace seed demo
Reading: .terraspace-cache/us-west-2/dev/stacks/demo/
      create  config/stacks/demo/tfvars/dev.tfvars

The produced file looks something like this:


# Optional variables:
# tags = {...} # map(string)

Terraspace parses the demo/ file to generate the tfvars/dev.tfvars file. It detected that all the variables are optional. We’ll uncomment acl and change it to acl = "public-read".


# Optional variables:
tags = {
  Name: "my-bucket", # <= CHANGED

Next, we’ll update the infrastructure.

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