Tfvars: Seed
The terraspace seed
command creates starter tfvars files for you. It does this by evaluating your
$ terraspace seed network
Seeding tfvar files for network
create config/stacks/network/tfvars/dev.tfvars
# Required variables:
project = "string"
region = "string"
cidr_block = "string"
secondary_cidr_block = "string"
# Optional variables:
# name_prefix = "string"
To create starter tfvars file for a different environment, use TS_ENV
. Example:
$ TS_ENV=prod terraspace seed network
Seeding tfvar files for network
create config/stacks/network/tfvars/prod.tfvars
Providing Example Values
You can provide example starter values by providing them in the description. Anything after the IE:
or Example:
text is used as the starter value. Here’s an example:
variable "cidr_block" {
description = "VPC CIDR. IE:"
type = string
The terraspace seed
command will produce:
# Required variables:
cidr_block = ""
The code self-documents the starter variables!
Parsing Errors
In order to generate the tfvars file, terraspace parses the
file. The parser may not always parse HCL successfully. In this case, you will receive an error message, and you will have to create the tfvars file manually.
Improvements to the parsing library are welcomed. Here is the library used boltops-tools/hcl_parser.