Multi-Region Layering

Multi-Region Layering Support

You can take advantage of the Terraspace layering to deploy the same infrastructure code to different regions, simply switch your env to use a different region and run terraspace up.

AWS Example

Here’s a structure that takes advantage of layering and multiple-regions for AWS:

├── us-east-1
│   ├── dev.tfvars
│   └── prod.tfvars
└── us-west-2
    ├── dev.tfvars
    └── prod.tfvars

For AWS, switching region can be done by changing AWS_REGION.

AWS_REGION=us-east-1 terraspace up demo
AWS_REGION=us-west-2 terraspace up demo

You can use the same code for different environments in the different regions also:

AWS_REGION=us-east-1 TS_ENV=prod terraspace up demo
AWS_REGION=us-west-2 TS_ENV=prod terraspace up demo

Azure Example

Here’s a structure that takes advantage of layering and multiple-locations for Azure:

├── eastus
│   ├── dev.tfvars
│   └── prod.tfvars
└── westus
    ├── dev.tfvars
    └── prod.tfvars

For Azure, switching locations can be done by using the az configure command:

az configure --defaults location=eastus
terraspace up demo
az configure --defaults location=westus
terraspace up demo

You can use the same code for different environments in the different regions also:

az configure --defaults location=eastus
TS_ENV=prod terraspace up demo
az configure --defaults location=westus
TS_ENV=prod terraspace up demo

Note, to check the current Azure location, you can use:

az configure --list-defaults
cat ~/.azure/config # also works, it's where az writes settings

Google Cloud Example

Here’s a structure that takes advantage of layering and multiple-regions for Google Cloud:

├── us-central1
│   ├── dev.tfvars
│   └── prod.tfvars
└── us-east4
    ├── dev.tfvars
    └── prod.tfvars

For Google Cloud, switch the region with the gcloud command.

gcloud config set compute/region us-central1
export GOOGLE_REGION=$(gcloud config get-value compute/region)
TS_ENV=dev  terraspace up demo
TS_ENV=prod terraspace up demo

gcloud config set compute/region us-east4
export GOOGLE_REGION=$(gcloud config get-value compute/region)
TS_ENV=dev  terraspace up demo
TS_ENV=prod terraspace up demo

Cloud Provider Differences

Each Cloud provider is a little different. For example, AWS and Azure are more region-centric, and Google Cloud is more global-centric. It’s up to you how to leverage Terraspace. It can handle both region-centric and global-central cases just fine.

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