Backend Config Variables

Below is a list of variables available in with the expansion helper.

Common Variables Available

Variable Example Description
APP app1 Optional. Terraspace app. Can be set like so TS_APP=app1. See: App and Role Layering.
BUILD_DIR stacks/demo The build directory name.
ENV dev Terraspace env. Can be set like so TS_ENV=dev
EXTRA bob The extra concept. IE: TS_EXTRA=bob terraspace up demo
MOD_NAME demo The module name or stack name, which is also a module.
PROJECT main The project name. This is set by, it defaults to “main”
ROLE deploy Optional. Terraspace role. Can be set like so TS_ROLE=deploy. See: App and Role Layering.
TYPE stack The type name. IE: stack or module
TYPE_DIR stacks The type dir. IE: stacks or modules
TYPE_EXTRA stack-bob The type with TS_EXTRA. IE: TS_EXTRA=bob terraspace up demo. The separator is a -

As of Terraspace v2, any environment variable is also available in the expansion helper. IE: MY_VAR=foo can be use in the expansion(":MY_VAR") method. Recommend sticking to the official available variables in general. For those interested, here’s the expanded interface source code: terraspace/plugin/expander/interface.rb.

AWS Specific Variables

Variable Example Description
ACCOUNT 112233445566 AWS Account Id. Can be set by the env var AWS_ACCOUNT or by the ~/.aws/config.
REGION us-west-2 AWS Region. Can be set by the env var AWS_REGION or by the ~/.aws/config.

AWS variable values are handled by boltops-tools/aws_data library.

Azure Specific Variables

Variable Example Description
APP_HASH wxyz Short consistent hash based on TS_APP value.
LOCATION eastus Azure Location. Can be set with ARM_LOCATION. Also can be set by az configure --defaults location=westus
LOCATION_HASH wxyz Short consistent hash based on Azure location.
SUSCRIPTION EXAMPLE88-c44e-4677-bf0eEXAMPLE Azure subscription id. Can be set by ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID.
SUSCRIPTION_HASH wxyz Short consistent hash based on subscription id.

Azure variable values are handled by boltops-tools/azure_info library. You can also The values are generally set when you use az login. You can see the values with az account show.

Google Specific Variables

Variable Example Description
PROJECT project-12345 Google project id. Can be set by the env var GOOGLE_PROJECT or by the ~/.config/gcloud. This is usually handled by the gcloud config cli.
REGION us-central1 Google region. Can be set by the env var GOOGLE_REGION or by the ~/.config/gcloud. This is usually handled by the gcloud config cli.

Google variable values are handled by boltops-tools/gcp_data library. The values are generally set when you use gcloud config set. You can see the values with gcloud config list and gcloud config get.

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