Backend GitLab

Note: Premium video content requires a subscription.

Here’s an example with the GitLab http backend.


terraform {
  backend "http" {
    address        = "<%= ENV['GITLAB_PROJECT_URL'] %>/<%= expansion(":ENV-:TYPE_DIR-:MOD_NAME") %>"
    lock_address   = "<%= ENV['GITLAB_PROJECT_URL'] %>/<%= expansion(":ENV-:TYPE_DIR-:MOD_NAME") %>/lock"
    unlock_address = "<%= ENV['GITLAB_PROJECT_URL'] %>/<%= expansion(":ENV-:TYPE_DIR-:MOD_NAME") %>/lock"
    username       = "<%= ENV['GITLAB_USER'] %>"
    password       = "<%= ENV['GITLAB_ACCESS_TOKEN'] %>"
    lock_method    = "POST"
    unlock_method  = "DELETE"
    retry_wait_min = 5

You can set the env var defaults with the config/boot.rb hook.


ENV['GITLAB_PROJECT_ID']   ||= 'your project id'
ENV['GITLAB_USER']         ||= 'gitlab-user'
ENV['GITLAB_ACCESS_TOKEN'] ||= 'gitlab-api-access-token'
ENV['GITLAB_PROJECT_URL']    = "{ENV['GITLAB_PROJECT_ID']}/terraform/state"

Including Region

When a http backend is used, a generic expander is used and :REGION is not expanded. This is because you can use the http backend without any terraspace_plugin_* at all . If you want to include :REGION in the expansion helper, here’s one way to do that:


terraform {
  backend "http" {
    address        = "<%= ENV['GITLAB_PROJECT_URL'] %>/<%= expansion("#{ENV['AWS_REGION']}-:ENV-:TYPE_DIR-:MOD_NAME") %>"
    lock_address   = "<%= ENV['GITLAB_PROJECT_URL'] %>/<%= expansion("#{ENV['AWS_REGION']}-:ENV-:TYPE_DIR-:MOD_NAME") %>/lock"
    unlock_address = "<%= ENV['GITLAB_PROJECT_URL'] %>/<%= expansion("#{ENV['AWS_REGION']}-:ENV-:TYPE_DIR-:MOD_NAME") %>/lock"
    username       = "<%= ENV['GITLAB_USER'] %>"
    password       = "<%= ENV['GITLAB_ACCESS_TOKEN'] %>"
    lock_method    = "POST"
    unlock_method  = "DELETE"
    retry_wait_min = 5

You can set the env var defaults with the config/boot.rb hook.


ENV['GITLAB_PROJECT_ID']   ||= 'your project id'
ENV['GITLAB_USER']         ||= 'gitlab-user'
ENV['GITLAB_ACCESS_TOKEN'] ||= 'gitlab-api-access-token'
ENV['GITLAB_PROJECT_URL']    = "{ENV['GITLAB_PROJECT_ID']}/terraform/state"
ENV['AWS_REGION']          ||= "us-east-1"

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