Backend Config

You can configure the backend for terraform to use with config/terraform/ Below are examples.

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When you run terraspace commands, it will use the files in the config/terraform folder and builds them with the deployed module. For example, let’s say you have an app/stacks/demo stack:

├── app
│   ├── modules
│   │   └── instance
│   └── stacks
│       └── demo
└── config
    └── terraform


terraspace up demo

Builds a .terraspace-cache/dev/stacks/demo/ using the config/terraform/ If you want to just build the files without deploying, you can also use terraspace build.

Backend Examples

Variables Available

For variables available see Backend Config Variables

Cleanup Behavior: Strip Trailing and Remove Double Slashes

Terraspace expansion will remove the trailing dashes and slashes in case the instance option is at the end and is not set. For example, let’s say INSTANCE is not set.


Will result in:

us-west-2/dev/demo # notice there's no trailing slash

Also, consecutive double slashes like // are squeezed into a single slash /. This done for the case when a variable inbetween the slashes is not set. However, if the // is part of http:// or https://, then the // is kept.

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